Cardiology Research, ISSN 1923-2829 print, 1923-2837 online, Open Access
Article copyright, the authors; Journal compilation copyright, Cardiol Res and Elmer Press Inc
Journal website

Original Article

Volume 12, Number 3, June 2021, pages 156-160

Review of Referrals Sent to the Emergency Department for Management of Hypertension


Figure 1.
Figure 1. Study population. Acute target end-organ damage was defined as heart failure, myocardial infarction, stroke, increased ICP, hypertensive encephalopathy, ruptured major vessel, intracerebral hemorrhage, transient cerebral ischemia, or retinal hemorrhage. Overall patient volume per year was taken from the Montfort emergency room website [3]. ICP: intracranial pressure.


Table 1. Demographic Information, Triage Summary and Visit Overview Statistics for Patients Presenting to the Montfort ED Regarding Hypertension During the 2016 Fiscal Year
Patients presenting to EDP value
Referred by health professionalsSelf-referred
Values were presented as mean ± SD for continuous variables or N (%) for categorical variables. aN = 178. bN = 65. cN = 182. dN = 175. eN = 66. *Does not include patients admitted to Montfort or transferred to another hospital. Pearson Chi-square analysis. ED: emergency department; SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure.
Number of patients67187
  Male24 (35.8)67 (35.8)
  Female43 (64.2)120 (64.2)
  Male59 ± 18.462 ± 15.00.88
  Female72 ± 15.564 ± 15.80.04
  Total67 ± 17.663 ± 15.50.10
Mode of arrival0.005
  Ambulance22 (40.8)31 (16.2)
  Other means45 (59.2)156 (83.8)
Wait time before seeing MD205 ± 132.1197 ± 137.90.63
Wait time before discharge*268 ± 139.3b283 ± 135.4a0.45
Triage vital signs
  SBP186 ± 24.9176 ± 26.20.006
  DBP99 ± 17.091 ± 16.10.005
  Heart rate (/min)77 ± 15.779 ± 13.70.46
  Respiratory rate (/min)17 ± 1.617 ± 1.60.28
  Oxygen saturation (%)98 ± 1.997 ± 6.8c0.58
  Temperature (°C)36.6 ± 0.4b36.6 ± 0.3d0.49
Maximal SBP193 ± 23.9183 ± 26.60.01
Maximal DBP101 ± 15.6e95 ± 18.2e0.04
Patients received an antihypertensive while in ED0.21
  Yes21 (31.3)44 (23.5)
  No46 (68.7)143 (76.5)
Patients sent home with antihypertensive prescription0.48
  Yes28 (42.4)67 (35.8)
  No38 (56.7)112 (59.9)


Table 2. Presenting Complaints for Patients Referred to the Montfort ED Regarding Hypertension During the Fiscal Year of 2016
Referred patients, N (%)Patients who self-referred, N (%)P-value
*Includes one of the following symptoms (number of cases): light-headedness (3), epistaxis (2), arm pain (2), abdominal pain (2), tinnitus (1), edema (1), decreased level of consciousness (1), sore throat (1), cough (1), confusion (1), numbness (1) and facial droop (1).
Asymptomatic25 (37.3)30 (16.0)0.50
Headache25 (37.3)84 (44.9)< 0.001
Dizziness9 (13.4)43 (23.0)< 0.001
Chest pain4 (6.0)25 (13.4)0.001
Vertigo2 (3.0)1 (0.5)0.56
Paresthesias2 (3.0)1 (0.5)0.56
Weakness1 (1.5)12 (6.4)0.002
Nausea/vomiting1 (1.5)15 (8.0)< 0.001
Agitation1 (1.5)0-
Fatigue06 (3.2)-
Other*021 (11.2)-